The Lending Managers you need for the things you want.

The Lending Team

A man standing in front of a sign that says innovative home loans.

Lee Rosenfeld

Director | Senior Lending Manager

Founder, Director and Broker at Innovative Home Loans. As a Lending Manager, Lee is in his element. Helping to dispel the confusion surrounding mortgages, equity finance & other niche lending is his passion. He is friendly and knowledgeable and seeks to clearly understand each client’s personal financial needs and goals before explaining which loan products are most appropriate.

0423 345 998

Charlotte Andrew (formerly Horsnell)

Senior Lending Manager

Equipped with a wealth of knowledge, experience and exceptional customer service, Charlotte is always willing to go above & beyond to find the best solution for her clients. Having gone through the buying process herself, her local knowledge and enthusiastic personality allows her to work with the highest levels of professionalism, honesty and reliability.

0428 197 766

A man standing in front of a sign that says innovative homes.

Alex Ucchino

Senior Lending Manager

Alex prides himself on being able to clear up the confusion in the buying process and guiding his clients through every step of the way. With a wealth of experience in the lending environment, Alex is able to source the best solution for his clients. Having entered the property market at a very young age, he understands the stresses involved and finds it enjoyable to assist others with their goals.

0487 219 027

Shona Coughlan

Lending Manager

With over 15 years of banking and mortgage lending experience, Shona thrives in her lending role. By assessing and understanding your financial goals, Shona works with our panel of lenders, ensuring we match your mortgage and finance needs with the best available solutions. With a passion for service and results, Shona is ready to help with your financial needs. 

0403 518 214

A woman standing in front of an innovative home loans sign.
A woman standing in front of an innovative home loans sign.

Samantha Byatt

Administration Manager

Sam brings over 14 years of Office and Administration experience to the team.

Sam will simplify the purchase process, ensuring you have a
seamless experience when it comes to purchasing or refinancing your property.

A woman in a business suit standing in front of a sign that says innovative home loans.

Ana Gozo

General Administrator

Ana is Innovative home Loans general administrator and is responsible for numerous back of house activities. She is the engine room of the business as she follows up daily with lenders and solicitors making sure all settlements are on time and never delayed for our clients.

“Many clients tell us that we continue to exceed their expectations; both during & after their loan application. We have become their trusted lending solutions team.”

Lee Rosenfeld

A group of people sitting around a table in a conference room.

How do you find the loan the bank didn’t mention?

Easy. We find it for you – the innovative way.

A blue arrow pointing in the direction of the sun.
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